kdiehlUnlike other developmental milestones, there is no specific time frame to move your toddler from a crib to a toddler or full sized bed. The transition time can range from 18 months to 3.5 years, with the average age being 2-2.5 years. The most important considerations are the child’s readiness, the child’s safety, a lot of parental patience and a flexible time frame.

First and foremost, don’t rush the process and avoid making the switch during major life transitions (i.e. a new baby, potty training, moving to a new house or vacation). If you have a new baby on the way, consider making the switch 8-12 weeks before or 3-4 months after the baby’s arrival (would you like someone hi-jacking your bed??).

In terms of safety, most toddlers can “scale the rail” when they are 35 inches tall. Having a climber makes the decision easier since the child’s safety is always primary.

Talk about the move to a “big bed” with your toddler  and make the shopping trip  a family event, even allowing your child some leeway in the purchase of the bed and bedding. Allow the child to place “loveys, blankies and teddies” in the new bed. The new bed needs to be a place of comfort and safety.

Consistency and routine are paramount for toddlers. Place the bed in the same place in the room as the old crib. Additionally, keep your bedtime routine and rituals the same. Nothing like a new transition to throw  your toddler off balance.

Some children require a “fade away” strategy—placing a mattress on the floor with you lying down next to them and gradually increasing the distance/decreasing the time with him. Mattresses on the floor are safe—just be prepared for night wanderers and early morning risers!!

Once transitioned to a regular bed , invest in side rails for both sides of the bed and a night light. The side rails are for safety even if the bed is against a wall! Soft filtered lights can decrease night time fears. Your toddler may be more clingy and whiney during transitions. Patience is the key.

Finally, books are always a good idea while preparing for any transitions. Some recommended books from educators include “Big Enough for a Bed” by Apple Jordan,” Your Big Bed” by Rita Bergstein and “Bye, Bye Beddy” by Sherry Renee.

PS: No bunk beds till age 6. Safety first!